Monday, May 4, 2020

Unite-10-Suffixes and Prefixes

        UNIT               10            Suffixes and Prefixes

Lesson 1: An Introduction


   (un = prefix; comfort = root word; able = suffix)

Now, separate the root words, affixes (prefixes and suffixes) of the following 
words and compare your answers with your partner: 
unfair, empower, dishonest, misunderstand, helpful, player, coming, shortly.

A. Now, ask and answer the questions in pairs. 

What is the common name of the groups of letters added to the root words to
form new words?

What is known as a prefix?
What is a suffix?
Why do we use prefixes and the suffixes?

So, you can understand that an affix is a group of letters added to a word to
change its meaning and parts of speech. Some affixes can be added to the
front of words and some others at the back. An affix added to the beginning of
a word to form a new word with new meaning is known as a prefix. For
example, 'mis' in misunderstand, and 'un' in untie are called prefixes.

The most common prefixes in English are – dis, in, re, un. These four cover
most of the prefixed words. On the other hand, the most common suffixes are
-ed, ing, ly, es. They also cover most of the words made with suffixes.

B. Look at the following words that have added some letters at the end of 
the words (suffix). Try to separate the root words and the suffixes.

                      powerful, kindness, suddenly, latest, player

C. Now, read the most commonly-used prefixes, their meaning, and 
examples from the following table.

D. Look at some prefixes, their meaning, and words formed with them.

Prefixes               Implied meaning                     Words formed 

under                    small/little                                  undersize, underpaid

CO                       with/together                              co-author, coordinator

mal                    opposite/bad                       malpractice, malnutrition

de                      opposite                              defrost, deform

fore                    front/before                       forehead, forecast

E. Look at the most commonly-used suffixes, their meaning, and words made
with them from the following table.

Suffixes              Implied meaning                                   Words/Examples

s, es                    pluralize/make a verb singular                 books, goes

ed                         form past tense/ past                               helped, (had) helped

Ing                          form present participle/                       running, running car
                               adjective/ gerund     

 Ly                          Indicate how, 'when, where,                slowly, friendly
                               or something happens

er                            1. indicates a person who                    player, farmer
                                   does a particular work
                               2. make comparative degree                bigger, taller

ic                             having qualities                                  heroic, patriotic

able,ible                  able to be                                            comparable, invisible

ness                        indicate state, condition, degree          brightness, kindness

full                        having something                                  powerful, handful

ment                     completion                                             payment, punishment

Exercise 1 
Make five new words using the following suffixes ing, ic,er, ful, es. Then
compare your answer in pairs.

Exercise 2 
Ask and answer the questions in pairs. Use affixes in your answers. You can
choose the affixed words below. The first one is done for you.

                            invisible, recently, shortly, unkind, illegal

Question: Is Mr. Rahman kind to the poor people?
Answer: No, he is unkind.
When are you coming back?
Is the moon visible in the new moon?
Is it legal to drive a car when the red light is on?
When has your father come from abroad?

Exercise 3 

Read the text and use affixes (prefixes and suffixes) to make the story
grammatically correct. Then compare your answers with your partner.

Farzana began her journey when she receive an urgent call from her mother.
Her journey was comfort because of bad weather. She was look for an
umbrella as it was rain heavy. There was no rickshaw in the road. However,
Farzana was astonish to see the kind of an auto driver. Hear her trouble, the
drive offer her a lift. She was thank to the driver for his kind. “I will remember
your help for long period of time” said Farzana. The driver polite made a bow,
lowered his head towards Farzana and left the place.

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